In order to provide clear and comprehensive information to all TOPIK test takers, we have outlined the specific regulations governing the handling of violations below.
No |
Violations |
Penalties |
1 |
Looking at the test content before the start of the exam |
Test suspension, cancellation of test results, and non-issuance of a score report.
2 |
Filling in answers before the start or after the end of the exam time |
3 |
Carrying prohibited electronic devices |
4 |
Carrying electronic devices that can record audio or video |
5 |
Refusal or failure to cooperate with the proctor’s request to verify identification and/or search for prohibited items. |
6 |
Refusal to follow the time limit and to solve questions for each section |
7 |
Attempting to view another test-taker’s answers, or attempting to display your answers to others. |
8 |
The submitted electronic device emits a sound or is active, except for cases where the devices are stored or managed outside the exam room or kept in the test administrator’s room. |
9 |
Viewing another test-taker’s answers, or displaying your answers to others. |
Test suspension, cancellation of test results, non-issuance of a score report, and a ban on taking the TOPIK for a period of two (2) years from the date of suspension.
10 |
Using telecommunications equipment to communicate or pass information related to the test content to others |
11 |
Carrying and using prohibited documents during the exam |
12 |
Refusal to follow the proctor’s fair request necessary for the test operation |
13 |
Serious interruption to the test operation or organization |
14 |
Forcing other test-takers to reveal their answers with any manner of coercion |
15 |
Writing the exam question or answer, etc. on any place other than the test book or answer sheet |
16 |
Not returning the test book or answer sheet at the end of the test |
17 |
Filming, photographing, recording, copying/storing test questions and answers in any form and distributing such contents on the internet or any other form |
18 |
Taking the test with fake or modified IDs |
19 |
Forging or falsifying score report |
20 |
Taking the test for someone else or asking someone else to take the test for you. |
Test suspension, cancellation of test results, non-issuance of a score report, and a ban on taking the TOPIK for a period of four (4) years from the date of suspension. |
In case of detecting any violations as above, such cases will be handed over to the examination board room and documented.
In case candidates violate the above regulations, they will receive a notice of handling violations of the test regulations from the National Institute for International Education via the registered email address. Candidates then have 10 days from the date of receiving the notice of violation handling to submit a petition to the National Institute for International Education. For the paper-based TOPIK test, send the petition via email to, and for the TOPIK IBT test, send it to If the candidate does not submit the petition within 10 days from the date of receipt of the notice, the candidate shall be deemed to have no petition.
Candidates will receive a notice of the final violation handling decision from the Korea National Institute of International Education via the email address provided to IIG Vietnam.
IIG Vietnam