Dear Valued Customers,

In order to facilitate the registration and exam process of candidates from the Northern region, with the approval of the Provincial People's Committees and Departments of Education and Training, IIG Vietnam has been implementing the test registration and administration of standardized English tests such as TOEIC, TOEFL ITP, etc. through the network of authorized test sites in cities and provinces other than Hanoi.

In the context that the number of testing rooms and test dates for TOEIC, TOEFL ITP, etc. in Hanoi is limited, there is an urgent need to expand the network of test sites to other cities and provinces to best cater to the registration and examination needs of candidates from various locations. This expansion saves the candidates time to travel and offers them more time slots to choose from. From now on, candidates from Northern provinces and cities other than Hanoi can register for and take the tests at our respective authorized test sites. IIG Vietnam office in Hanoi therefore only received registration from those currently living and working in Hanoi.

For more information, please contact our hotline at 1900 636 929 (during office hours).

With kind regards,

IIG Viet Nam
